Frogfishes on - Anglerfische auf Frogfishes on - Anglerfische auf

Frogfish Behavior

Colors and Camouflage


Mail to

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This is a private website and I use a lot of my spare time for it. Please try and find the answer to a particular question first in my website before you mail me.

Attention - Usually I answer my mails in 2 to 3 weeks time but sometimes I need up to a month. I also have a job so I can earn money for my diving holidays...

Please search first for your information on the starting page or through googling my website. Did you take a look at the Frogfish Identification Key? Thanks!

Write to

When I am on holidays and diving it can take longer to answer....
Please be careful with my e-mail address, I really don't like spam, newsletters, viruses and computer worms

Thanks! Teresa Zubi

Write to me for feedbacks, questions, links or requests for the use of my underwater-photos. This is not a guestbook.

Questions, feedback and comments:

I want the following information:

1. Your name - I don't answer anonymous mails!

2. Your questions / comment / feedback

3. If you add a photo (for example for identification of a frogfish) please reduce it to a size I can easily download (= not more tthan 500 KB, I prefer smaller pictures though)! Thanks!

Use of my underwater photos:

I want the following information:

1. Your name - I don't answer anonymous mails!

2. Which photos - please give details about which and how many (best write the URL)

3. How and where exactly do you want to use them? Noncommercial use (private homepage / organization) - commercial use - publishing)

4. If I agree to the use of my photos I expect you to mention my copyright as "Teresa Zubi" and a link back to or!

Link from to your website

I want the following information:

1. Your name - I don't answer anonymous mails!

2. The exact web-address. Is this your own website or just a good page you want me to know?

3. What is this website about?

4. If it is your website - add a statement, that you will link back from your site to my website

I only link from to:

  • frogfish pages
  • galleries with underwater-photos of frogfishes
  • to people who have allowed me to use some of their frogfish photos

Changed your web address?

Write the old address (so I can find it on my website) and your new address. I will make the changes when I have time!


I identified all frogfishes (anglerfishes) to my best knowledge. Frogfishes are specially difficult to identify (see tips for identification) so mistakes are possible of course! Please write to me, if you have any questions. Latin names according to the newest scientific findings, ITIS Standard Report and Fishbase.

. Copyright Teresa Zubi